• Safe Home Processing of Poultry

    Published on April 2, 2012
    4-H youths raise poultry every year as projects for county or state fair exhibits. After the fair, some birds may be processed either for immediate consumption or for future use.

  • Briefing Note 6

    This policy brief analyzes the impact of delayed access to SNAP benefits for North Flint Food Market customers and recommends waiving the requirement for the market to better serve the community.

  • Immune Supporting Tips

    This factsheet explains tips on how to support your immune system, which fights off bad bacteria and germs that cause infections.

  • Heads In, Hearts In: Pedometer Challenge

    In this activity, you will see how fast steps can add up on your pedometer, use pedometers to be creative and challenge yourself or each other to get as many steps as possible and see what types of activities you can do to get the most steps.